Wednesday 7 November 2012

Compile and build Berkeley DB 4.X at one shot

I have written three small scripts  to 
1.Uncompress zip or tar files from a directory
2.execute  ./configure ,  make , make install
3.simultaneously  do  step 2   on  all the directories of  BDB, i.e  db-4.x.y at one shot:
Script 1 :  Perl script to extract all zip or tar files, Run script 2 from Script 1. Syntax and logic is correct , but  script is not correctly invoked from script 1.
Script 2 : written separately to take the unzipped directory as an argument, finish configuring, compiling and installing.
Script 3 : This is just a wrapper over Script 3 to take all  db-4.x.y  directories at  one shot.

Script 1 :
Usage :  Perl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

##Compiling and installing  Berekely DB 3.x and above  with perl script## 
#step 1. Unzip / Untar the zip files.
#step 2. cut the zipfile or tar file to get name "x" out of or x.y.tar.gz
#step 3. go to x.y directory out of or x.y.tar.gz 
#step 4. go to /%/x.y/dist
#step 5. execute ./configure
#step 6. execute make -f Makefile 
#step 7. execut make install
#Note: I have used perl because shell is incomptable on four unix platforms

# Global declarations #
  my $BDB_WORK = "/opt1/Oracle/Sriram_Working_on_Erroneous_Installers/Sriram_Berkeley_DB_Work/compare_dir"  ;
  #my $CD_COMMAND    = 'cd $BDB_WORK';
  my $UNZIP_COMMAND = 'unzip';
  my $UNZIP_UNTAR   = 'tar -xzvf';
  my $status;
  my $zipfile;
  my $ls_output = "";
  #change to $BDB_WORK dir#
  #system "$CD_COMMAND";
  my @Filelist = `ls`; 
  foreach (@Filelist) 
  $zipfile = $_;
  ## Construct BerkeleyDB.x.y on the fly ##
  my @split_version =  split (/[-\.]/,$zipfile) ;
     my $ver_subversion = "$split_version[1]" . ".$split_version[2]" ;
  if ( $zipfile =~ /.zip$/ )
    $status = system "$UNZIP_COMMAND  $zipfile" ;
    if ( $status = 0 )
      ##extract x.y from file ## 
       $zipfile =~ s/(\w+)\.zip/$1/;
       my $unzipped_dir = $zipfile;
       system "ksh $unzipped_dir" ;
       #Now get the ls -l output of installed location (/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.x.y/bin) of all Berkeley DB versions" ##
       $ls_output  = `ls -l /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.$ver_subversion/bin/ | awk ' $0 !~ /^total/ {print $5" "$9}' > /tmp/BDB-$ver_subversion.txt ` ; 
            ## print $ls_output ##
                       print "ls_output of /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.$ver_subversion/bin/ is $ls_output \n" ; 
  elsif ( $zipfile =~ /.tar.gz$/ )
     $status = system "$UNZIP_UNTAR $zipfile";
        if ( $status = 0 )
      ##extract x.y from x.y.tar.gz file## 
        $zipfile =~ s/(\w+)\.tar.gz/$1/;
        my $unzipped_dir = $zipfile;
         ##Execute make ## 
         system "ksh $unzipped_dir" ; 
         #Now get the ls -l output of installed location (/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.x.y/bin) of all Berkeley DB versions" ##
      $ls_output  = `ls -l /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.$ver_subversion/bin/ | awk ' $0 !~ /^total/ {print $5" "$9}' > /tmp/BDB-$ver_subversion.txt ` ; 
            ## print $ls_output ##
           print "ls_output of /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.$ver_subversion/bin/ is $ls_output \n" ; 

## diff   <(ls -l /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.1/bin/ | awk ' $0 !~ /^total/ {print $5" "$9}') <(ls -l /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/bin | awk ' $0 !~ /^total/ {print $5" "$9}')
#ls -l /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/bin | awk ' $0 !~ /^total/ {print $5" "$9}' > /tmp/DBD-4.0.txt
#sdiff -s /tmp/BDB-4.1.txt /tmp/DBD-4.0.txt

Script 2 : written separately to take the unzipped directory as an argument, finish configuring, compiling and installing.
Usage : ksh   db-4.4.20
export BDB_WORK="/opt1/Oracle/Sriram_Working_on_Erroneous_Installers/Sriram_Berkeley_DB_Work/compare_dir"
../dist/configure -prefix=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.${1}
make install
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "--- Compilation and Installation of BDB ${1} done --" || echo " -- something wrong check !!! --" && exit $Alert

Script 3 : This is just a wrapper over Script 3 to take all  db-4.x.y  directories at  one shot.
Usage : ksh
for dir in db-4.4.20 db-4.5.20 db-4.6.21 db-4.7.25  ; do echo "-- processing $dir --" ; ksh $dir ; done

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