Wednesday 26 September 2012

runInstaller Command line Options

When Installing through OUI, we can give following Command line arguments with runInstaller script:
Command Line Arguments
Following is the output from the runInstaller -help command, which gives you the full list of command line options and their descriptions, as well as command line variables usage.
runInstaller [-options] [(<CommandLineVariable=Value>)*]

Where options include:
-help  Displays above usage.
-silent  For silent mode operations, the inputs can be a response file or a list of command line variable value pairs.
-responseFile <Path>  Specifies the response file and path to use.
-formCluster  To install the Oracle clusterware in order to form the cluster.
-remoteShell <Path>  Used only for cluster installs, specifies the path to the remote shell program on the local cluster node.
-remoteCopy <Path>  Used only for cluster installs, specifies the path to the remote copy program on the local cluster cluster.
-record -destinationFile <Path>  For record mode operation, information is recorded in the destination file path.
-deinstall  For deinstall operations.
-debug  For getting the debug information from OUI.
-ignoreSysPrereqs  For ignoring the results of the system pre-requisite checks.
-executeSysPrereqs  Execute system pre-requisite checks and exit.
-paramFile  Specify location of oraparam.ini file to be used by OUI.
-clone  For making an Oracle Home copy match its current environment.
-force  Allowing silent mode installation into a non-empty directory.
-noconsole  For suppressing display of messages to console. Console is not allocated.
-addNode  For adding node(s) to the installation.
-removeHome  For removing homes from the OUI inventory.

Command Line Variables Usage
Command line variables are specified using <name=value>; for example:
[ session: | compName: | compName:version: ]variableName="valueOfVariable"]

Session/Installer variables are specified using:
Ex 1: session:ORACLE_HOME_NAME="OraHome"
The lookup order is session:varName then just varName).
The session prefix is used to avoid ambiguity.

Component variables are specified using:
Ex 1: oracle.comp1:1.0.1:varName="VarValue"
Ex 2: oracle.comp1:varName="VarValue"
Ex 2: oracle.comp1:varName="VarValue"
The lookup order is compInternalName:Version:varName, then compInternalName:varName, then just varName.
Using OUI Exit Codes
If you are starting and stopping OUI programmatically (for example, by invoking OUI using a response file), you may need to consider the exit codes generated by OUI and perform a particular action depending on the code OUI returns.
OUI returns one of the following exit codes:
All installations were successful.
All installations were successful but some optional configuration tools failed.
At least one installation failed.

Note that:
  • This feature will not work if OUI is running in "bootstrap" mode. In this case setup.exe/runInstaller will just launch the JRE process and return immediately without waiting for the exit code. OUI will be running in "bootstrap" mode if the following line exists in the file oraparam.ini file:
  • If you exit without installing any products (for example if you exit from the "Welcome" screen), the exit code will be -1.

For more clarity on OUI usage:

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