Thursday 17 May 2012

DB2 Update Manager Configuration Not working , says Invalide Node Type

[db2inst1@RHEL62x86ARL ~]$  db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME 50000
SQL5126N  An attempt was made to modify the database manager configuration
parameter "svcename" which is not valid for a node type of "2".

[db2inst1@RHEL62x86ARL ~]$ db2 ? SQL5126N

SQL5126N  An attempt was made to modify the database manager
      configuration parameter "<parm>" which is not valid for a node
      type of "<node-type-code>".


The user attempted to modify a database manager configuration parameter
which is invalid for the given node type. "<node-type-code"> is defined
as follows:

1        Database server with local and remote clients

2        Client

3        Database server with local clients

4        Partitioned Database Server with local and remote clients

5        Satellite Database Server with local clients

The requested change is not made.

User response:

Resubmit the request with a valid parameter for the given nodetype.

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